+ 3

why programmers are capable to change the world?


14th Jun 2017, 8:56 AM
KumarRajendraMallina - avatar
4 Answers
+ 7
Programmers are no more are no less able to change the world than the rest of the non-programmer population of the world. Seriously. This mindset is no different from the mindset that makes you say, say, "I am a [citizen|follower|believer|subscriber|whatnot] of [fill in the empty space] [country|language speaking diaspora|religion|whatnot], so I have the best life. No! Programming is an extension of engineering. Programming falls in the realm of the mind whereas most other engineering disciplines fall under the realm of physical objects in that they build and manipulate physical objects. Programming, and engineering, are reflections of our own thoughts. The more conscious man becomes of his own thoughts, more these disciplines develop. And, hopefully, bring whole of mankind to a higher level.
14th Jun 2017, 9:03 AM
Venkatesh Pitta
Venkatesh Pitta - avatar
+ 5
Because they struggle to change themselves and ultimately the word we can see Fb Sololearn Wikipedia YouTube and many
14th Jun 2017, 11:23 AM
Ehtesham Ali
Ehtesham Ali - avatar
+ 3
In today's world we are using technology EVERYWHERE. But that technology had to come from somewhere, and guess who made them? Yes, programmers. Indeed technology is evolving at a very quick speed, but someone has to make it happen. We as programmers have a power no one else (non programmers) have. we can control technology, and even create new technology. Even our small programs can make somebody smile. Let's take a local school for example, they are hiring people to write a program for their teachers to use. But as a student that can compile a very good program in days, they can surprise​ the school with a program they had never seen before. Programmers are the soldiers of the future, they are the security guards, they are the artists, the dreamers, the people that changes the world with a press of a few buttons. I hope this helped you 😊
14th Jun 2017, 9:07 AM
Limitless - avatar
+ 2
If their is No programmer then their is no better world. That's why a programmer always try for better world.
14th Jun 2017, 1:20 PM
KumarRajendraMallina - avatar