Hi Guys what formular do you use when reading programming in sololearn?or which style suits you
I want allot of Answers because it is useful to know how to some people learn programming... maybe some of us are using a wrong study method
5 Answers
+ 4
- the first thing to learn is the syntax.
- next data types
- next operators
- next reserved keywords
- next standard libraries (library is also known as API)
- next third party libraries.
- next custom/proprietary libraries of the firm.
+ 5
I try to make a code with what I read,
so that what I learn sticks.
+ 5
I read only important parts and try.
+ 4
Good answer for normal people. My method is just to keep reading source code (from outside sources). Once I understand a particular dialect, I become better at learning keywords. It's an odd approach but it works for some people (like me). I do recommend that whatever your approach, you spend time reading source not found on SL.
+ 3
After finishing the course I note all important things to my copybook, and while learning I have some ideas what to make using my knowledge.