how do you do these string thing i dont understand it
3 Answers
+ 2
Ok... For example u want to
Print('This game isn't very good')
But it will be a mistake coz python doesnt understand where is the string
So u need slash before the sign
Print('This game isn\'t very good') will
Be valid
Watch ExampleString code in playground that i made for you
+ 1
Strings are a type of variable that stores text (you can think of variables as sections of memory that you've claimed for the program and named so that you can use and alter the values stored in them)
here's a load of types of variables with examples (you'll cover them all in this course, but I figure it's useful so you can get your head around variables and what a string is and is not):
strings: text such as "this is a string", also used for storing phone numbers since the first 0 is important and you don't tend to do maths on them. In python we make a new string by putting the name of the string then = then speech marks (either a pair of double quote marks or single quote marks, it doesn't really matter which but double are generally favoured, I guess because they are a bit more obvious to spot), to include a speech mark in a string and avoid ending the string early, we use a backslash \ before it to tell python not to treat the speech mark as the end of the string
myString = "some text value"
phoneNumber = "01234 567890"
anotherString = "My favourite saying is \"Hello\" "
integers: whole numbers like 1,2,3,0,-1,300 etc you can do maths on these but not store letters, in python 3 dividing them will result in a float no matter of the value the result has.
myInteger = 3
rabbitAge = 4
bottlesOfBeerOnTheWall = 99
rabbitAgeInFiveYears = rabbitAge + 5
degreesInCircle = 360
numberOfTimesRoundInCircle = 3
degreesTurned = degreeesInCircle * numberOfTimesRoundInCircle
floats: decimal numbers like 3.0, 2.3 , 0.0, -5.0 33.23 again you can do maths on these, and are useful where the values need to be represented with decimal places
myFloat = 3.0
booleans: True or False, or 1 (meaning True) or 0 (meaning False) - used in decision making such as if a condition is met then do this (if and else statements)
There also variables that are collections of variables such as lists, dictionaries and tuples.
thx so much i could't get past the strings test