+ 2
Is there's a <center> tag?
Can you give me some other tags?
7 Answers
+ 7
Not, it's no more a valid/supported element in Html5 (previous versions had): for centering purposes you need to use Css and other containers...
Anyway, can you explain the usefulness of giving you a list of "some other tags"?
Dive into other's codes, courses/tutos and technicals references to discover a lot through practice and necessity, rather than asking unnecessary question ;P
+ 7
There was a <center> tag.
But in html5 it is depreciated
use css instead
to center text use css 'text-align:center;'
<div align='center'> text </div>
+ 6
align="center" is also deprecated in Html5, and should no more be used...
Lesser worst way to do centering is:
<div style="text-align:center;">Your content</div>
... but inlined css declaration are not a quite good idea, and we should prefer use them as separated declaration, in <style> tags or linked as external files with <link rel="stylesheet"> tags
+ 6
Not anymore supported as the attribute align="center" took over
+ 3
The <center> tag is not supported in HTML5. Use CSS instead.
The <center> tag is used to center-align text.
+ 2
<div align="center"> your code </div>