How can i master Android Development
I want to create Apps and master that course. it would be a great help if anyone provide any links to start with. What all I have to learn. Thank you Mate !
4 Answers
+ 4
in first step you should learn basics of programming and then java
go ahead with java and Android Studio
finish java course here is not enough
practice is most important thing in programming
so next step is to practice
write different codes in android studio and run and debug
also never stop learning
watch or read android tutorials
see examples in github or other websites
and continuesly practice and practice and practice
+ 3
hey veronica,
1.start with java basics here,
2. simultaneously enroll at https://in.udacity.com/course/android-development-for-beginners--ud837/ its free
3. hold their hand tight and never let them go as they take you through the android development journey. all the very best and let me know if you've started there, its often rare that you find people with similar interest. sweet coding :)
+ 1
start with learning java basics on here and practice in code playground
download eclipse and jdk and practice more
and once you got the hang of it you could start creating games small apps and games on android studio.
yeah ThankYou everyone. I will complete that course !