+ 1
Coders and programmers of Solo Learn, join us today
All members of Solo learn, join us today on whatsapp where the best meets the best and vise versa for programming. learn, compete and discuss with others about coding / programming . https://chat.whatsapp.com/32m8THDz11l3P79SFEnzDe.
4 Answers
+ 9
There is already a discord server full of many well known Sololearners here:
It's also the home base of the Sololearn mods to let eachother know of bad posts.
+ 9
lol cheeze it's the correct link you're just trying to get people to use your site redirect.
+ 1
@Ahri Fox wrong link, its https://cheeze.club/zvwr
+ 1
OK thanks @Ahri Fox