+ 1

What can we do with Assembly language ?

what kind of application we can make by using assembly language..

2nd Jul 2017, 2:31 PM
akash kushwaha
akash kushwaha - avatar
4 Answers
+ 7
It's mostly used for low level stuff, like making an OS. But you can make anything you want with it.
2nd Jul 2017, 2:56 PM
Karl T.
Karl T. - avatar
+ 5
Assembly code derives it's power from execution time. It can execute faster than any programming language. Also, you have full, 100% control over every bit.
2nd Jul 2017, 4:55 PM
Keto Z
Keto Z - avatar
+ 3
Everything as it is the lowest level language. C was made with Assembly so all you can do in C, you can do in assembly. And you can do anything with with C.
2nd Jul 2017, 2:33 PM
Baptiste E. Prunier
Baptiste E. Prunier - avatar