+ 9

Which language takes lesser time to learn than others ?

3rd Jul 2017, 5:21 PM
Prabhu Nithin
Prabhu Nithin - avatar
4 Answers
+ 5
I would say R is the easiest to learn. But R is mainly used for data analysis. Python is also very easy to learn. With additional nodules, it can be used for many things, such as data analysis, web development, games et al.. Golang is a younger language, but it is also not hard to learn, and it is on the way to get popular. You can also try Java, C++ or C#. Different languages have different learning curves. The key is what you want to do with your programming skills, or what kind of job you will work on. Different fields use different languages. For example, game programming on Android and on PC are very different.
3rd Jul 2017, 6:08 PM
Zhuoyu Wang
Zhuoyu Wang - avatar
+ 3
As in language I would say HTML although it is not a programming language. As in programming ones, personally I would go with Python. I fell in love with Python fairly quickly. If I remember correctly less than a weeks knowledge was enough to complete my advanced level exam of Informatics back in high school. Obviously that itself won't do, you need to practice coding continuously so that it would be at your fingertips.
3rd Jul 2017, 6:04 PM
Sohcahtoa - avatar
+ 1
None. Go for the language you're interested in.
3rd Jul 2017, 5:23 PM
Maart - avatar
+ 1
plainly Python
3rd Jul 2017, 9:04 PM
Zemuldo - avatar