+ 3
What is integrated API?
elaborate in 15+ lines😀
21 Answers
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yes I liked
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yes m a good gal😑
+ 5
ankit concentrate on studies
quit fb
I HV also deactivated
+ 4
Are you looking for someone to do your homework? :)
+ 4
shannon@not actually
here pplz can explain better than any book
+ 4
+ 4
cool and very simple topic😌
-> API is a collection of functions,objects and classes.
->An API is the interface through which you access someone elses code or through which someone else's code accesses yours. In effect the public methods and properties.
->It's used when 2 or more separate systems need to work together to achieve something they can't do alone.
if u like it then like it 😊✌👍
+ 3
ansa tht first😁
+ 3
now u can join😂
+ 3
+ 3
@arohi good girl ✌😌
+ 2
+ 2
what is this
15+ lines
I think you are teacher