+ 25
Which software
Hi my freinds. With which software I can practice HTML and CSS ?
31 Answers
+ 15
phpstorm is awesome
but atom is beatiful
+ 14
thank u so much. great answer. 😊
+ 12
personally i prefer Brackets, because it has alot of useful plugins and the Live Preview feature is great. That if u wanted to install an App, and u can also simply use SL's Playground using either PC or Mobile
+ 9
With Sololearn Code Playground ^^
+ 8
Directly inside most of browsers, through the use of developers tools (you can even save files, at least in Firefox desktop)...
+ 7
brackets :)
+ 7
#Behnaz M : I Think Notepad++ Is The Best And Simple Editor You Can Use .Here Is The Direct Download Link :https://notepad-plus-plus.org/repository/7.x/7.4.2/npp.7.4.2.Installer.exe
+ 7
سلام بهناز خانم.من دو تا پیشنهاد براتون دارم اگه می خوایین که دستتون رون تر بشه تو کد نویسی atom اما اگر که می خوایید سریعتر کد نویسی کنید و امکانات بیشتری داشته باشید دریم یا phpstorm خوبه ، من خودم phpstorm پیشنهاد می کنم.
+ 5
Sublime text is great and brackets
+ 5
You don't need anything, just start coding either in sololearn playground or w3schools.com.
+ 5
ام خوبه هم توی ویندوز میشه استفاده کرد هم تو گنو / لینوکس
+ 4
Brackets is a good editor. Chrome has a code inspector that is useful to view the HTML code and the CSS style applied to it.
+ 4
yep there are 100+ of Software's or IDE Integrated Development Environments where you can code and do whatever you want.
but if you are beginner then go for
Notepad or Notepad++
for fast coding go for
SUBLIME / BRACKETS(this is quite popular now a days cause free of cost and having premium features)
for fast coding go for Adobe dreamviewer
or if you already know all the things then go for
BOOTSTRAP which is popular framework for HTML CSS N JS else you have choice of
+ 3
واقعا ++notepad برای اونایی که میخوان یه برنامه چابک داشته باشن معرکهاس
+ 3
for using html and css you dont need anything except one browser :-)
however, for using multiple files on localhost, as an experienced web designer i think you should have installed Xampp to creating a localhost, and Notepad++ to edit codes..
at the end, i suggest hardly learn using chrome inspect panel..
+ 3
use vim to make sense of the text editor
of course if you using gnu/linux
+ 3
Visual studio code
+ 2
use youtube or www.p30download.com for learning html & css.. and use atom, sublime, brackets for editing ur code
+ 2
Notepad ++ is a good software for developing in every language
+ 2
الان حال میکنم با pycharm