+ 2
Competitive Programming
Can we start a thread where we all can share views and tips related to competitive programming. Maybe this thread will help everyone to get to know STL and other useful tips and tricks for CP.
10 Answers
+ 3
So, this->thread = protip.thread essentially?
+ 4
On that note.
Tip: look into
is well.
+ 4
A C++ thread as well
+ 3
Protip: Have a look at std::cin.ignore(). It will ignore a specific number of chars or until a specified char is entered. Very useful in console apps.
+ 2
What do you like about competitive programming?
+ 2
For those who new to C++
STL - Standard Template Library
Here is a reference:
+ 1
Sure, I am up for C++ tricks and tips
+ 1
@Manual I love the very essence of being competitive. I mean the way it makes us exercise our mind to extremes. Working in teams and learning from others for a contest with restricted time is all I like about CP.
+ 1
@Jamie yes. âș
+ 1
Can someone discuss about multidimensional vectors in C++?