+ 2
Hello Everyone this Irwin Lopez I have confusen in Html related to Hexa coloring process
how can I make new color using Hex please explain me in full details
3 Answers
+ 9
You should refer to this article once : http://www.codeconquest.com/hex-color-codes/
+ 2
You should refer online like Dayve says but simply put, hexadecimal means that it's 16 possible characters from 0 to 9 & A to F, with 0 as the minimum value and F as the maximum
You normally put these characters in a set of 6 characters preceded by #
ex. #000000
Using RGB (red green blue) as a reference, the first two characters refer to red (R), the next two refer to green (G) and the final two refer to blue (B). So it's #RRGGBB (with values from 0 to 9 & A to F)
pure red is #FF0000
pure green is #00FF00
pure blue is #0000FF
black is #000000
white is #FFFFFF
gray is 6 of the same number/letter preceded by #
mixing red and blue will give you shades of purple
mixing red and green will give you shades of orange/yellow
so mixing these in different amounts give you a color
SOMETIMES you will see 3 character long hex codes, that just means that both characters for red green and blue are the same
example #A4E would be #AA44EE
that's really affective.