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How did you get into programing?
Tell me your story. What made you wanna start programming?
7 Answers
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Creating games. I wanted to make games after playing lots of Nintendo games. I think nearly six years ago, I started with Game Maker and started making games then. I was creating a project but eventually got very unmotivated and slowly stopped 2 years later. Ever since, I've been going on and off with programming, getting unmotivated each time and couldn't learn. But recently, I've been very motivated with the games created in the Unity Game Engine and I'm determined to learn some programming languages compulsively until I reach my goal. I also have a general interest in computers, so it feeds my interests. :')
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my dad, he taught me to code
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school syllabus
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In short, I had a passion for making games that was fueled by a love for programming.
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when i was 6 my stepdad bought me an amstrad pc which played tape games and i would play a game called the mummy for hours anyway one day my parents decided to take me and my 2 sisters to a car boot sale and we were all given 50p to spend so looking around i seen a book with amstrad written on it so i picked it up thinking it would show me diffrent games but all it was letters and numbers all mashed up i asked my stepdad what it was and he said "its a book to make make games, just copy the code and run it and it will be a game" anyway that evening i started copying all this gibberish code and at the end of about 3 pages which took ages i remeber it being really dark outside i ran it and it worked. cant remeber now what it was but ever since then i have loved programming i made many diffrent games out the book and started understanding how it worked i could most probably still understand it now
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I really want to be a programmer/developer.
Same story as most of you.But at first I always liked having the best Mods(all started with learning to root my android).This developed some curiosity for learning how this Mods actually work and since I couldn't get enough I decided ill try develop my own since some of the ideas I have weren't readily available.Plus the idea of just bringing my ideas to reality just makes me hard lol.
2 <sup> nd </sup> whenever I get a retarded idea it can easily be turned into a game which is preety awsome.
Lastly, I can't think of any other (career/activity) that serves my best interests as well as gives me an opportunity to earn from that doing what I like. Programming is not a real job guys, if you want a real job study sth else LOL