+ 16
So can I only learn HTML5 and forget about the older versions? :D
34 Answers
+ 49
Hehe. No, html5 based on the previous generations. Many elements are the same.
+ 45
previous one is a cake and this is only a cherry on the cake
+ 42
Technically, yes. I mean, you can learn all the tags and things that remain HTML5 compliant, and not have to learn old DOCTYPE declarations and the deprecated tags and attributes and stuff, but you will run into old code once in awhile, and it helps to understand it. Everyone who says no is probably confused and thinks by learning HTML 5 you would only be learning the new elements introduced in 5, but learning HTML (any version) would mean learning everything compliant in the new version. And its not like we're going to suddenly decide 5 is a bad move and go back to 4.
+ 7
Learning older versions give you basic knowledge and the newer version explains wat is modified in the older version
+ 6
Don't think that it is possible to use only HTML5. First of all it is based on HTML and ''5'' means only new features that helps us to create more semantically readable webpage structure. From the other side, you will definitely need to maintain websites, that are already exists and also adopt new sites for older versions of browsers so you'll need to know how to do that and to understand how they were build.
+ 2
i suggest you look at a website called w3schools it has everything you need to know html html5 css javascript and many more it is a very in depth tutorial website
+ 1
better learn basic html first
+ 1
The HTML5 has it solidarity on it previous version... That is to say that the previous generations is a sine que non for the understanding of the HTML5.. Without them you will be at sea.
+ 1
Lol, crawl, then walk, then ruuuuuunnnn
+ 1
Umm.. I guess its ya from me, html5 has everything from its before versions too. 😊
+ 1
in the html5 learning you will learn only new elements
better using step by step solo learn
+ 1
you can but you can't step up without base ,frnd
+ 1
You must need previous version html. & if you learn html 5 with that totally you would be perfect.
+ 1
HTML 5 is based on the previous version HTML 4 .
in whatever you're leaning , get back to the basics.
+ 1
Any competent HTML tutorial in 2017 will teach HTML5, which is as much an advance on HTML4 (in both elegance and power) as Einstein on Ptolemy.
Leave legacy HTML4 maintenence to those who are experts because they were there.
HTML4 is OBSOLETE. Move on, pretend it never existed. Use HTML5 exclusively unless its a legacy task.
If you need to ask whether or not you need HTML4, you certainly do not.
In SoloLearn course you will definitely want to start with the basics as the html5 section only explains the new features. As other answers state - learn both.
HTML 5 is like an upgrade to previous versions. Adding new stuffs, modifying old and lots more.... so when you're done with HTML 5, its obvious that HTML is covered with it too. Here there is no question of forgetting old versions. You will have all function and preferences in the same thing
How To Use Iframe like Same Style Same Design . which is use in codepen.io please anyone here help me?
for the beginner html is good for them but after you are expert go for html5