+ 6

I just started coding for fun and don't have a ton of ideas on practical application for this but I want practice, any ideas?

1st Aug 2017, 12:17 AM
Alyssa - avatar
9 Answers
+ 8
make a small game? tic-tac-toe.. mastermind idk 😊
1st Aug 2017, 12:56 AM
jay - avatar
+ 6
write a program that encrypts and decrypt any string (or convert them to binary, hexadecimal, etc.)
1st Aug 2017, 12:32 AM
Andrés04_ve - avatar
1st Aug 2017, 3:09 PM
pippilotta - avatar
+ 3
The possibilities are limited only by your imagination. I recommend making yourself a small console game. Like a number guessing game; practice like that will help you master your language.
1st Aug 2017, 1:36 PM
Corey - avatar
+ 2
you should just make a drawing varaible and then practice making it interact with another drawing varaible
1st Aug 2017, 4:21 PM
Jonathan Alley
Jonathan Alley - avatar
+ 2
Take a look at what people have started with before you. Maybe you can get some ideas https://www.sololearn.com/Discuss/416138/?ref=app
2nd Aug 2017, 9:17 AM
Bjarte Mehus Sunde
Bjarte Mehus Sunde - avatar