are there different java lenguages?

I am new to programming. I first started with a web page (don't remember the name, just googled "learning to program") but everything was different; There weren't "class" or "system.out.prntln" or "main" or many other things. To make text show up you would jua wright show(""). So i am really confused, any help?

4th Aug 2017, 4:06 PM
Juan Ignacio Vargas
Juan Ignacio Vargas - avatar
6 Answers
+ 10
Hello Juan, welcome to the crazy world of programming! :) There are many programming languages and each of them use different syntax/structure. So it's very likely that you'll find almost everything new in a new language. For example, this site shows print statements for many languages: [EDIT]: http://wiki.c2.com/?HelloWorldInManyProgrammingLanguages When you'll find any difficulty to understand Java, just post your query in this Q/A section, the community is very helpful :)
4th Aug 2017, 4:53 PM
Shamima Yasmin
Shamima Yasmin - avatar
+ 7
@Rrestoring faith, Oh no.. thanks for pointing that out, it'd confuse him more. I've edited my answer with a new link before anyone else noticed ;)
4th Aug 2017, 4:55 PM
Shamima Yasmin
Shamima Yasmin - avatar
+ 3
Maybe try something like processing, it has a simplified version of Java. It's great for designing anything 2d. Either way, System.out.println("") is the exact same as show("") so I'm not sure where your confusion is. 😜. Just think of it the same way, with more to write. I've been saying a lot, if you want to learn Java, don't worry about what "System.out" means, or "public static void" or "new Scanner(System.in)". When you get to that area, you can learn it one by one. Diving right into it is like asking to give up, you won't understand it right away. It's the same stuff, just looks more intimidating. In Processing for example, it still has main and classes, they just hide it to make it easier for beginner's. (Aka: you don't see it, but it's behind the scenes). But you probably learned some version of Javascript by the sound of it. That doesn't have classes.
4th Aug 2017, 4:37 PM
Rrestoring faith
Rrestoring faith - avatar
+ 2
@Shamima Why are they using swing in Java on that website xD. 😜
4th Aug 2017, 4:49 PM
Rrestoring faith
Rrestoring faith - avatar
+ 1
theres only 1 java as far as i know but i think there are diffrent types of C like C C# and C++ i have no idea whats diffrent about them as im not leaning them.
4th Aug 2017, 4:54 PM
D_Stark - avatar
Thanks for the answers, you have all been very helpfull. Yeah, it seems the web page i used was on JavaScript. Btw, which would be more useful, JavaScript or java?
4th Aug 2017, 6:03 PM
Juan Ignacio Vargas
Juan Ignacio Vargas - avatar