what are unary, binary and tertiary operators?
4 Answers
+ 6
Ok first let's set the ground: operators are functions. Functions can have a number of parameters. In context of operators parameters are called operands.
*Unary* operators only have *one* operand.
*Binary* operators have *two* operands.
*Tertiary* operators have *three* operands.
Unary operators in C++ are (not complete list): +, -, ++, -- or ! as you can use them like this:
int a = 10;
int b = +a + (-a);
a++; ++a;
--b; b--;
bool c = !true;
In this example, I've already used binary operators, as + and = are binary operators. Other binary operators are &&, ||, ::, ., |, & etc. (I leave out the example as this is the most common group of operators in C++ and I cheated and put in not just one but two binary operators in the unary operator example above. :-) )
The only ternary / tertiary operator in C++ is ?: that is a short-cut to an if-else as in
int a = true ? 5 : 10;
Makes a become 5. If the expression before ? is evaluated to false, the alternative after the : is assigned. Only use it for short and simple assignments as if-else is more readable when the true and false case get more complicated.
+ 1
unary operator requires 1 operand for operation while binary requires 2 and tertiary requires 3
thank you for the answer đ
No problem, I'm glad I could help. :-)