+ 6
A must read for all
A very worthy of post. Spend 3 mins to read and have a mind conviction now. ** Post ** https://medium.freecodecamp.org/why-striving-for-perfection-might-be-holding-you-back-as-a-newbie-web-developer-6e8ae257751f ** My Tips ** - Build to learn. Forget about complex codes, because they are messy and unmaintainable. But instead the logic behind code should do exactly it's job. - Learn to study from other's code. - I see lots of HTML learners but about 1% to none have built interfaces with it. Just do it!
4 Answers
+ 4
@Otumian Empire the web interfaces includes forms, nav bars, etc any static UI which involves HTML
+ 1
Wise words!
+ 1
Thank You I needed this :)
what is this interface and how do you build it?