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Which language is easier Java or C++ ?
2 Answers
+ 9
Java is said to be a tad higher level compared to C++, but the idea of one being easier than another depends on the learner. I personally think Java is harder, because I main C++, but other users have contrasting opinions.
+ 1
There is no real definitive answer here. Programming is all about what feels most natural, atleast in my opinion. For me personally, I found C++ easier as it felt less clunky then Java did. Some people would disagree and say that C++ is more easy. I recommend taking a little bit of time working with both. You know, right a basic program that gives you a little taste of all the basics of programming (make a Class, create and use an object, take input/output, etc..). Just try to get a good feeling for the program and see what clicks easier :) Happy programming!