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I want to be the best computer man in the world so what do i have to study first can you give me the steps please?
12 Answers
going to a computer science course would be optimal if you're a beginner, you won't know everything but it'll be helpful.
+ 3
specify "computer man"
+ 1
Study blockchain data and security.. it could be the next megatrend, it get of of intermediaries, It can create most technical control secure financial systems without banks and government as intermediaries. It can provide you throughout internet search without Google. You can buy or sell any goods without Amazon as intermediary.
+ 1
what's up with all the dislikes guys? Don't act like you guys never wanted to be the best
like i want to know everything about computer like programming.......im only 17 year's old i wanna start now
Google Donald Knuth, read all the books and articles he wrote.
what language should i start to study
C++ can teach you lots about general programming. It also teaches about memory management. Once you learn everything you can then start using the libraries (coding shortcuts) available and appreciate them whilst understanding what they do
computer science, like all engineering degrees have higher course load. it is for someone with good work ethics and who will not quit half way. Are you willing to self teach yourself and find and give up some of your spare time to learn? no one will teach these to you like in high school. you have to self study most of the materials.