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What can i do ?
to decide ? im going .net course.understanding the codes but i cant think as virtual brain.computer engineering can work many position.i cant write fluently code but i can tell this codes how it works.which position can i work?? software test analist database web etc help me friends
1 Answer
Research different software engineering jobs, if you haven't already. Then, just code, and see where the path of life takes you. Once you spend more time coding, you will gain interests on different types of coding. Once you feel that you have at least one big interest, try that out for a career.
If you know a lot of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, then go ahead and develop content for the web. If you have mastered Java, then you can develop apps for Android. Swift is the best language for developing iOS apps.
I don't know what you should be; that's your decision. Just take your time and eventually you'll find a job that you'll like!