+ 12
Is there an official info about the size of the quizz pool per weapon?
Just wondering...
9 Answers
+ 12
came back to JS 12 days ago or so after 6 months break and I am really amazed by the number of quizzes. Not sure about C++ and Python as I have not played them as well for the same time, but the rest are nowhere near the amount of quizzes in JS 😃 Really glad I came back to it 😃
+ 10
@Grzegorz @Andrew - sorry to disappoint you guys, but that is the number of quizzes in the lessons not in challenges. from what I've seen Ruby is the smallest (ridiculously small) then is PHP, HTML, C# - Python - JAVA, C++ - JS, not sure about the order of the top 5
+ 10
well C++ has 80 lessons, PHP only 46. If you open the link in a browser and click on a course then you can even see the number of quizzes per lesson 😃
+ 9
Python has changes quite a bit you might wanna study before unlocking
+ 7
Ok. But I think in PHP chalenges there is a number of questions less than 150, 'cause it was So (unbelivably) easy to memorize them all!
+ 6
@Nikolay and All. Yeah, JS have been updated with a bunch of new interesting questions (no wonder that 4:3 result 😉), while in PHP for example were no new question for a long long time (only 5 or 6 new question added recently and question base in PHP I think is the smallest)
Updated: Just checked and PHP is really has only 99 questions according to that page (thanks Grzegorz!) and it's a smallest number of all "weapons" available in challenges. :-(
+ 6
Nikolay, I thought so at first sight too. Seeing that there are numbers for questions in CSS, Swift, SQL and jQuery.. But so many questions in C++! Is it really only questions in that course? I remember it's longer than PHP course, for example. But is it really so/that much bigger?
+ 3
Yes, it is. Check the main page in courses category - https://www.sololearn.com/Courses/
+ 1
Maybe SoloLearn stuff will help us? Is here someone?