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Tools we use in software development?
In Open source or any other era. what are the tools we use in soft. development? like Swing for documentation et. Please Inform me just about the tool names you use as a developer, their functionality I would find myself. Please give maximum number/names of tools you know, or a pointer where I may find them at one place. thank-you in advance for your answers.đ
4 Answers
+ 1
I use many of these, I really like them.
So, to make your decision easier, here's a short list of the finest software development tools commonly used to create apps.
1. Linx 2. NetBeans 3. Azure
4. Github 5. Jira 6. Jenkins 7. Node.js
8. IntelliJ IDEA 9. Chrome DevTools 10. Vim
11. AWS ECS 12. Buddy 13. HTML5 Builder
14. Zend Studio 15. Axure 16. Zoho Creator 17. BitBucket
18. Cloud9 IDE 19. Codenvy 20. GeneXus
this is the reference if you want to know more about it you may read here - https://www.tatvasoft.com/outsourcing/2021/10/software-development-tools.html