About creating android games please answer me who have experiance on that
After i finish studying c++ can i make android game using game maker studio on laptop 1 gega ram ?and c++ will make me create game ? i ask before some says study java,and some say study c and some say study c++ so is c++ the right ? and can i make games on laptop with 1 geaga ram ?
13 Answers
+ 6
if you wanna make a standard rpg then you will be fine with rpg maker. I am not sure what game engine they used for tekken but tekken 7 was made in unreal 4
+ 6
It is possible to create basic games using any good high lvl language, sometimes by also making use of third party libraries. You can google for some basic tutorials.
But I dont think, you will be able to make good android games this way.
But if you seriously want to go into game Development, I suggest you look for the tutorials for game engines such as Unity3D.
Such game Engines are usually cross-platform and can be used to make games for nearly all platforms (Windows, web, android, etc.)
Unity 3D uses C# for scripting.
+ 6
You might be interested in a free e-book on Android game development, check out the most recent update in the thread below:
+ 6
this may help you.
a complete deep informative guide for game development
game development comprehensive
+ 5
I'm with Mayur; I'm a big fan of Unity. It has amazing cross-platform support, and utilizes C# for its scripting, which is perfect. Very easy to port between platforms.
As he mentioned, go check out their website and do the tutorials to get you going. www.Unity3D.com/learn Also, read the C# course here.
Best of luck to you.
What type of game you making"?
+ 5
From what I know game development requires a decent pc with at least 4-6 gigs of ram and a good gpu especially if you are using unity. Though for c++ I would suggest unreal but with your current pc,it will never ever run.
+ 5
@otaku no game is easy to make unless you have full grasp on flow of your game. The gal games for me have structured if else like if(ans=yes) action=shoot; else action= stand; and so on. as long as you know what you are doing,you will be fine. Good luck đ
+ 4
First look for tutorials that explain the basic functioning of the game engine you wish to study. You should find out what it can achieve, how much difficult it appears to you and how much of your time and work it requires. Once you are sure you want to work on a game engine, you can study the language that engine uses for scripting.
+ 4
no prob
+ 1
so i must study c#?
+ 1
i would like to make rpg game or fighting game like tekken 5,6
+ 1
and if its hard i would like to begin for choosing game with different end like galgame
+ 1
thanks bro