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I am having problems to attach an image from facebook or web what should i do?
6 Answers
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it can be because the picture comes from a user, in private mode.... so Facebook for private policy can may be don't allow use html pictures from users
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tnx for helping......respect👌
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<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Page Title</title>
<img src="https://z-m-scontent.fdac1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/fr/cp0/e15/q65/21225_456282001202973_2110301216446427570_n.jpg?efg=eyJpIjoibyIsImVmIjpbIkRUIiwiWlIiXX0%3D&_nc_eui2=v1%3AAeGKCB9fzW8r7PGE07RIGCa4By8UmhohdZCo_NXfHZoaxb-0o1fiVnfe6_Y_dMn5QAdhsJak7qI3Zzk5CTMbquvA0rm6iJNYrcMwPvtdZbR0MZyhpV-2wcptwT7FxOEY3B8&_nc_ad=z-m&_nc_cid=1284&oh=5f848e8efa46490dc01cf3f5691fd3a3&oe=5A5CBD9D.jpg" alt="sheikh rafe"/>
</html> why isnt it working?
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is it! of course.... I typed and I received the msg "you don't have permission to that...".... that's it! your picture shows only for you and only if u are logged :).
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I suggest you if u have experience take a look in Facebook api. they of course allow u do that in an advanced way using their api Facebook development.
the URL from pictures that you wanna use should be in the end of it a ".jpg" ".png".... if the url don't have the image extension displayed it won't work. :). I hope help u