Missing Programming Language
Hi there , seems like this Solo needs to have some more additional code which I personally used most. 1. VB.Net (Visual Basic) 2. ASP.Net (Active Server Page) 3. ActionScript Flash (I know multimedia loved these alot on advertisings) 4. Pascal / Delphi [might for old programmer , but still it's the foundation on around the past 20 years ago] 5. BASH (want to learn this here instead of boring trial error from google) 6. Perl (want to learn this here instead of boring trial error from google) 7. Assembly Language (well I only learn 8086) 8. Artificial Inteligence () 9. Linux 10. Arduino and a lot of more out there , why not put those all here ? regards , ex-Freelance Programmer 2008 while study , who been expelled from College in 2013 , because of fund / other troubles. atm , still refreshing memory for my college diploma (I feel old , I know). want to meet me ? welcome , but don't regret if I have nothing to give away , other than legal code I can make.