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How do you change a char or string to from lower case to upper case and vice versa? C++
I was wondering how I can take a string like "text" and convert it to "TEXT". Also, how can I take same string and change the case of a specific char? I'm thinking of creating a for loop to iterate through each character of a string and set/change the case, but I'm not really sure how to go about doing so. Any help would be appreciated.
3 Answers
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
toupper( Your_Char_Variable );
tolower( Your_Char_Variable );
if in string , try using somewhat like :
char c = stringg[0]
putchar( toupper( c ) );
stringg[0] = c;
*I dunno your code*
String is Array_of_Char.
for "Extreme Logic" way , convert char to ascii , then manipulate with adding / deducting ascii , then put back to char.