7 Answers
+ 4
Q1: You have frameworks like Flask to assist you.
Q2: The dJango framework takes care of it to make Python "fit in" HTML
Q3: Python 1 is obsolete and very unstable
Python 2 has primitive functions.
For example a print statement is
print "Hello" (Python 3 is print("Hello"))
Python 3 is the current version and once 2020, the only version that will operate
+ 2
Q1: The pygame library can be used to make 2D games with graphics and other libraries can be used for 3D.
+ 2
One of my best original games. Try it on other IDEs for Python
+ 2
Do the course.
Last few lessons talk about it.
+ 1
IDEs meaning
+ 1
realy thank you bro
+ 1
It's a code running platform.
If yoy dunno, try Python IDLE,