+ 6
How machine reads 1001011101..... ?
2 Answers
+ 9
If you mean what order bits are read in, people read binary so that the lowest-order (valued) bits are on the right, with higher-order bits going left.
So in binary:
1000 is larger than 0001
just like in human counting / base 10:
4000 is larger than 0004
Internal recording order depends on the architecture.
Little endian stores the "low" order bytes first. This method is better for increasing values (the large side has room to expand).
Big endian stores the "big" side first. This is in natural reading order for left-to-right languages, but now you have to move bytes around to expand the value.
Network communication is generally big endian, even if the computer is little, hence the terms "network order" and "host order". This is one reason why network frames are fixed sizes.
Finally...as if this weren't enough...bits within bytes are ALMOST ALWAYS big-endian (as in the first example).
*** If you meant how the computer actually represents "0" and "1" (signal lines, transistors and logic gates) any of these topics might help you:
Arduino project board
Truth tables
Logic gates
Reference voltages
Digital Signal Processing