+ 1
Passing date between applicatons
I am self taught and have only been coding for about 4 months. I use c# and I do not have a computer sience degree or anything. I am trying to figure out how to pass information that stores data between a console application and a windows form. Any hints? please remember I am green so I do not understand all the terms and definitions quite yet.
4 Answers
+ 4
There are mutiple ways anyway.
The most simplest way is to store it in a textfile, let the other app read it. (In my opinion)
Otherwise you can just create some database tables for the other application to read it. (Visual studio have support for SQL, making your life easier)
Or simply use the cloud. (Visual studio have support for azure cloud if you are using it)
+ 4
if you are green then use streamwriter in the first app and streamreader in the second . so you will be able to write data in a text file using the first app , and reading data from the same text file using the second app
+ 1
thank you ^^