+ 1
After learning html,css.now learning javascript can go for website building? Or any more to learn
web devlopement
7 Answers
+ 4
Java, after:Java Server Faces, JPA, Hibernate ...
+ 3
jquery and sql
+ 3
You can always, depend how much complexity do you want to give to your project. Anyway you can learn while you are coding. I know all programmers always learn something new in each project
+ 3
there will always be something to learn but that should be enough to get u some job but it's going be hard to find one because most programmers now days knows some much
+ 1
if u are interested in learning Python check out this dude "The Xcode" he just started learning Python toturiles on YouTube . yesterday was his first vid the link to his channel : https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCsinMWgI7pXJQGc0gwMXimg
+ 1
thanks you for encouragement danial