+ 5
Cual Lenguaje de Programacion es el que mas Te gusta / Which programming language is the most like??
18 Answers
+ 6
Java is the best
+ 5
My personal preference is C#, then Java. In terms of statistics, Java is the most popular programming language in the world for many years now.
However, that's like wondering what the most liked tool is on a tool belt. Sure, more people may use a hammer, but each tool is useful in relation to what tasks it does well. So overall, it's better to be prepared by having all of the tools you need, rather than limiting yourself to just one tool.
+ 4
Java was designed to have many similarities to c++ but Java is easier to learn and use.
+ 2
+ 2
both java and javascript c# python etc. have parses. They do not believe
+ 2
all language have something in common
+ 1
+ 1
Java preferably
+ 1
pascal :)
+ 1
pascal es un lenguage de programacion ??
+ 1
+ 1
utilizado para programar que???
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investiga Abrían Antonio
+ 1
C++ Pascal Pl/I python
+ 1
por ahora java y ruby
+ 1
all languages have something in common