+ 2
What does it mean true false in the relational operators in c++? What is its functions?
4 Answers
+ 17
Examples 1. ==(comparison or equality)
6==5 result 0 i.e. false
2.< (less than) 6<5 result 0 and 5<6 result 1 i.e.true
3.<= less than or equal to
4.> greater than
5. >= greater than or equal to
6. != not equal to
+ 15
Hey read this you will understand it better :)
Edit: This also 👇
+ 13
Relational operators refers to the relationship that values or operands can have with one another.
C++ provide six relational operators for comparing numbers and characters. But they don't work with strings.
If the comparison is true the relational expression result into 1 and 0 when it is false.
+ 2
Does "==" operator means equal to?