+ 1
What does it mean sum += arr[x] ;
I mean +=
6 Answers
+ 8
it means sum=sum+arr[x]
it adds the value of arr[x] to the variable sum
+ 5
It means sum=sum+arr[x] ;
Most commonly used example is i+=1;
Which also means i=i+1;
you are asking +=,it's mean eg., a+=b a=1,b=2:a can add with b..output:3;it simplify and flexible..
Simply put, it (+=) is a dual operator. And it means that first you 'add' then you 'assign'. Eg; "b += a" means -> b == [b = (b+a)].
my frien who asking this question the simple means of
sum+=arr[x]; is this sum = sum+arr[x];
OMG!!! I have been wrecking my brain on this one for a while and its always been something this obvious!?! 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯