how to use background-color and bgcolor in html?

22nd Jun 2016, 5:03 PM
Maira Ramzan
Maira Ramzan - avatar
2 Answers
+ 1
you do this in the css sheet. I'll use a <div> for an example. the css would look like this. div{ height: 10vh; width: 10vh; background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.80);} this will give a 20% transparent black as a background. you can use hex colors for example #cccccc which I think is gray lol, but hex is a solid colour . you can even use the word white, black, wheat, green or whatever. hope this is helpful
23rd Jun 2016, 8:48 AM
Trikyas.com - avatar
25th Jun 2016, 4:34 AM
sagir - avatar