+ 5
You know programming is hard and when I see dudes making amazing codes and I'm here struggling to make guess the number game on qpython, its just discouraging........
5 Answers
+ 10
Dont worry about what there doing, infact enjoy it, understand it, and let them help you if you need them
because at one stage they were in the same position you.
Keep creating your game as its a key ingredient to improving your skills.
+ 9
See it from a different angle...
Those epic projects are something that you will make sometime in the near future AND guess what? You will make them even better, better than anyone else, coz you are YOU.
+ 6
😎Without struggles even you WIN it means FAILURE.with struggles when you LOOSE it means SUCCESS.
+ 4
Somebody started teaching babies sign language after noticing they could understand speech (and sign back) way before they could speak themselves. We also figured out that kids benefit from being around adult speech (but not necessarily taking part; just listening is enough)
When I read these posts I think you're in the "sign language gap" for programmers -- you see what's possible but aaah, it's so frustrating. It's normal. Really. Until someone figures out how to put sign language in this gap, we all make it through (developing our mind/body skills) with practice and time.
Whether you find you like programming or not is separate, but I hope you'll believe me when I say: Hey, we get it. It's okay. We've been there. Keep pushing.
+ 3
Just remember that not everybody in life is in the same level, you should be happy with what you can and have achieved.