+ 4
[Challenge] Car Licence Plate Calculator (medium)
The City LearnSolo wants to create a new licence plate administration tool. Your job is to code a programm which gives the Nth next licence plate to a providet licence plate. licence plates domain: AAA-000-AAA, AAA-000-AAB, AAA-000-AAC . . ., AAA-000-ZZZ, AAA-001-AAA, . . . AAA-999-ZZZ, AAB-000-AAA, . . .ZZZ-999-ZZZ eg. input => AAA-999-ZZQ 23 output=> AAB-000-AAN input => AZZ-999-ZZZ 1 output => BAA-000-AAA input => AAA-000-AAA 20 output => AAA-000-AAU if there are errors or questions pls ask !
5 Answers
+ 8
Here's my C# implementation! ✌
Thanks Chrizzhigh for the interesting challenge. Interestingly, it takes a whopping 308 billion to exhaust the car license plate, almost quadruple the amount of human population on our planet! Enjoy~ ❤
+ 7
+ 6
@Eren there's a bug in the Python program, please check your code comment. 😉
+ 4
@Zephyr Koo I solved the problem. Thank you again.