+ 1
Which language is the best to use?
for software industry
7 Answers
+ 15
Well, are all in demand especially
C++, vb. net, C#, Java . 😅
+ 9
best in general for the industry? probably java, since it's the most popular.
+ 5
Bad question indeed... Your implementation can differ greatly depending on many many factors, one of which the language's support and tools. For example Python is gaining a lot of tools and frameworks that enabled it to compete with MOST programming languages like it. However, if you're gonna build a graphics intensive software, would you use Python for it...?
This is usually handled in the Project analysis and design part, or maybe while actually implementing the software, depends on the manager and the project's nature.
+ 4
Every language is treated as a different religion and yes there's wars in between them xdd For the most part though people don't care what language you're using. As technologies advance programming languages are becoming more and more similar.
Also I gotta point out that java is losing popularity. There was a website to check how much each language is used. Java is way on top but it's going down really really quickly. C is starting to gain popularity atm.
+ 3
+ 2
There is no best one.
+ 1
All languages have their own importance in their individual fields. So you should set a goal first in which field you wanna go.
Python is very demanding now a days coz most of the advance fields like AI, Machine Learning, Data Analytics etc are done with the help of Python and the main advantage is it have its own libraries for ML/AI.
C++ - its a base language, basically it is not that language to develop something. Here you can learn Object Oriented programming which are not present in C. But better to jump direct to Java rather than C++ ...
Java - Its a better field to go with, I will suggest you if you set your mind to go with java then go with it. Don't go with any other language because it will be a waste of time if you will learn python or java or ruby ... better to choose a single language n get mastered.
I will suggest you to go with a language n don't opt different fields coz it will waste your time n you can't be mastered in any one of it.
If you look for Al/ Ml or Data Analytics then go for Python.
If you look for application development, web applications n many more Applications then go for Java.
Java fields - Core Java->Advance Java(J2EE) then you can go with Android Development if you wanna develop Android applications or go with Hibernate, Spring, jQuery if you wanna go for web based applications..