¿Por qué si creo una variable que contenga el reverso de una lista, e imprimo esa variable el resultado es none?
lista = ["mañana", "cálida"] reverso = lista.reverse() print (reverso) >>> none.
5 Answers
Hablo un poco de espanol...
Prueba esto:
lista = ["mañana", "cálida"]
for word in reversed(lista):
print (word)
Good luck! :)
thanks for your answer, but what interests me is to understand the logic. Why the variable does not contain the reverse?
what you want to achieve?
reverse of the list or reverse of the letters of each word? (reversed is a function/action that change the variables order inside de list from
1 to n => n to 1
i am not sure what you call "variable" :p if you can explain a bit,maybe i can help you a bit
variable is the container name. for example, in this case the variable would be lista.
y pues, lo que tenia pensado era que mostrara la lista de la siguiente manera ["cálida","mañana"]
well with what i gived you earyler that you gonna achieve :) word1 will be at the end and word2 gonna be first