Which are the results in PHP of: "123" + "abc"=? 123 + "abc"=?
PHP sum
8 Answers
+ 1
Hi I get back thanks your replay . remember you can put 'single quotes' or "Dual quotes" on php it convert into string even you can adding integer
For Ex:- '123abc' = This is String
'abc123' = This is String
123 'ABC' = This show Error
123 ABC = This shoe Error because ABC is not a integer.
you have any doubt reply me@Vinay.s
+ 1
#Daniel Marina Hi welcome back . I not shore about that tutorial. you have fb please visit
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I think it is best but. you can come to clearty. I hope is best answer to you . anything else please replay me. bye have nice day.
Hi your php sum question I can't understand please let me your questions clearly ?
The question is about to add strings with integers. The first result I think is "123abc" but for the second Im not sure of the result is an error or only 123...
nice! thank you very much Vinay.s! 👍
thanks #Daniel Marina bro. anything else reply me@Vinay.s
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haha ok thanks! Normally I don't use facebook, but I'll try this time :D