+ 41
I'm with M Squared on this, learn as many as you're comfortable with. At this point in your life, you should know your capacity to learn, so do what works best for you. Just like M Squared, I prefer to learn many things at the same time, keeps it fresh and interesting, plus saves time. Think about it like this. When you're at school, do you only have 1 class each day or do you learn multiple subjects throughout the day? Same concept. Just think of each language as a different "class" that you're taking in school.
9th Nov 2017, 5:48 PM
+ 22
Well I will sign that you learn or concentrate on one language only. Learning two language at a time will be a great mistake. You will face many problems if you learn two languages at a time. So I suggest you to start with one language at a time. #Happy coding
10th Nov 2017, 4:45 PM
Mayank Sakhare
Mayank Sakhare - avatar
+ 11
But it would be better if you complete one course and then start the other. But if you can handle two at a time nicely then go for it.
10th Nov 2017, 3:41 PM
Neelarghya Kundu
Neelarghya Kundu - avatar
+ 8
sure u can if u have well
12th Nov 2017, 4:54 AM
Mahmud amen
Mahmud amen - avatar
+ 8
Yes. I am learning Python and HTML right now.
13th Nov 2017, 8:52 AM
Programmer Jr.
Programmer Jr. - avatar
+ 7
@M squared I agree after c++ I am finding js much easier
9th Nov 2017, 6:33 PM
Saurabh Tiwari
Saurabh Tiwari - avatar
+ 7
13th Nov 2017, 9:02 AM
Programmer Jr.
Programmer Jr. - avatar
+ 6
I learned the 12 langages possible in SL and linux too in an other app. so why not ;)
9th Nov 2017, 9:25 PM
NoxFly - avatar
+ 6
yes you can. Just make a brief check on your language of interest to see those that work hand in hand. example, it is possible that you can learn HTML and CSS at the same time or JS vs jQuery, etc , once you learn that /* ...*/ or // means comment in one language it will help you to quickly understand it in the other lang. others are && ++ == etc
11th Nov 2017, 7:57 AM
Keleos William
Keleos William - avatar
+ 5
I think, that if you can do this, why not? It will be an economy of time. For example, I am learning JavaScript, HTML and CSS at the same time, and it is easy, because they are "connected" one to another.
10th Nov 2017, 10:01 PM
Adrian Fota
Adrian  Fota - avatar
+ 5
Any superpower doesn't needed to learn 2 or more language at the same time. ps . just start.
11th Nov 2017, 7:29 AM
Neeraj - avatar
+ 5
Please keep in mind: You need to practice and recall the details very often after completing each course; Never stop challenging and you'll be fine. Else if you even stick to a single course, without enough patience and practice, you'll struggle (when it's time for action), unless forcefully refreshing those lessons!
11th Nov 2017, 10:14 AM
Navardium - avatar
+ 5
one at a time is my advice
12th Nov 2017, 7:43 PM
Razak Jabe Mwapachu
Razak Jabe Mwapachu - avatar
+ 4
absolutely you can because along with css and Html. I love to learn Java . so that's not a problem
10th Nov 2017, 10:38 AM
Iwin Clint
Iwin Clint - avatar
+ 4
Yes you can with determination
10th Nov 2017, 5:59 PM
Chares Kinyua
+ 4
may be, if you can understand what the language was picked. Some languages is simple, and many others like LESS and CSS, or JavaScript and PHP .
10th Nov 2017, 11:45 PM
igor Adamchuk
igor Adamchuk - avatar
+ 4
do one thing at a time!
13th Nov 2017, 11:06 AM
Asiri H
Asiri H - avatar
+ 4
Yes, however it is usually best to become proficient in one before learning another. Most languages have a lot in common.
13th Nov 2017, 6:52 PM
Bryan - avatar
+ 3
Can you Lern French and Spanish at the same time? yws, would you want to?
9th Nov 2017, 5:50 PM
josh mizzi
josh mizzi - avatar
+ 3
I try to always be learning a new language or framework in addition to gaining mastery with the ones I use professionally. Often when learning some fundamentals of a new language I gain insights about how the ones I know truly work, and the other way around, learning advanced techniques and best practices helps to intuit solutions in new languages. You SHOULD be learning multiple languages in my opinion. also consider that learning the fundamentals of a few languages is usually more valuable than advanced topics in one, since it gives you the ability to read other's code and understand documentation for aspects you haven't learned yet.
10th Nov 2017, 8:50 AM
Matthew Sbar