Hi friend plz help me i am very confused. Now i am 12 th pass with (sci) background wich degree best for me BCA,Bsc-cs,Bsc-IT
i want to become computer programmer...
7 Answers
so? download app complete chapters and learn programing is it hard to do.
If you are interested in programming then go for BCA but from South india's(suggested) collages
How is Bsc-computer science degree for me kukreja
Now i decided Bsc-computer science 3 year degree.Then after i will locking good class (software training center) that place is available placement then i will good preparation for interview then crack the interview then join the company.
How is my plane.....
My suggestion is to go for BCA and then for MCA
ok Thanks
i m bca graduate from south my opnoin for u is bsc bca both are same wat all u can find in bca same u can learn in bsc also but there wil be one additional finance subject in bca tats al and if u do it bca or bsc u hav to do msc or mca for sure bec now a days its a heavy competitions and try to start doing small projects frm the begening itself go ahed hav a great life