
is there any compiler and console to show output suitable with notepad++, i don't want to use eclipse ide

3rd Nov 2016, 5:26 PM
Vivek Thomas
Vivek Thomas - avatar
4 Answers
+ 2
yes, you just download the java Development toolkit 8 11 and then add the location of he java JDK(C:\Program Files\Java\JDK.1.8.0\bin) location to the System environment variables 'path' and restart notepad++ and to test open command prompt and type java if error comes up you've done something wrong else your good to go
3rd Nov 2016, 5:39 PM
Abdelaziz Abubaker
Abdelaziz Abubaker - avatar
+ 2
Have you already tried Komodo, NetBeans and IntelliJ? They are pretty good. I think you will enjoy IntelliJ the best as you want a more Java-oriented IDE.
3rd Nov 2016, 5:39 PM
Hanike T.
Hanike T. - avatar
To run java files using notepad++: 1)created the java file and save it to a location you can easily access 2)open CMD and type cd\ which would get rid of your current location 3) then type cd (the locations of he java folder) E.g. CD C:\Users\TechTro\Desktop 4) then type javac (javac = java compiler) and then the name of the file followed by .java E.g. javac Main.java 5) then if it should created and other file calls (name of file).class 6) If there is no error with your code then type: java Main.class and it should run
3rd Nov 2016, 5:44 PM
Abdelaziz Abubaker
Abdelaziz Abubaker - avatar
thanks buddies
3rd Nov 2016, 5:48 PM
Vivek Thomas
Vivek Thomas - avatar