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Any body explain primary key function
10 Answers
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Primary key is used to maintain uniqueness of the data item.....
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it is a Combination of unique and not null constraints ,a table has only one primary key which will create the auto index for the primary key selection
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Primary key is used to assure the uniqueness of a record
Hello there,Primary key is basically a field which cannot be same and its unique.
For example a students table will have id,name,roll_no fields and so the id field can be primary key .It can be used to perform operations using php for e.g "DELETE FROM 'students' WHERE id=" . $_GET['id'] ;
a must have in a database, without a primary key, it will be a real mess to retrieve information from your database.
primary key simply means unique
it's a constraint in which a table must have it
it doesn't allows nulls and it is unique
with this key we can easily retrieve the data from table
It is unique key to access the data
i think your wrong
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primary key =unique + null