What is the Hardest achievement in Solo Learn ?
I know there are many hard achievements in SoloLearn, but are there such achievements that even the most elite of us aren't able to complete. I would like to know.
3 Answers
+ 4
haa the epic,got me banned once,the nightmare of any challenger,My most wanted badge.......
+ 3
Surely the epic badge! Many of professional SoloLearners have fallen to despair to the mystic, otherworldly powers of the epic badge... 😱
It is cursed... and many who have attempted to claim it... have never returned. 😨
(One badge I'm probably never going to get. If anybody should know the difficulty of this badge, it will be Pegasus. 😉)
+ 1
Epic as the name suggest is the hardest, or one could say impossible
cuz, for it you have to win 50 consecutive challenges
In my circle, only the Pegasus is having it !