Codigo para hacer una app sobre el IMC

Translation: Code to make an app about the BMI

25th Nov 2017, 10:38 PM
Juan Pablo Villagómez
Juan Pablo Villagómez - avatar
2 Answers
25th Nov 2017, 10:38 PM
Juan Pablo Villagómez
Juan Pablo Villagómez - avatar
Este es el codigo: This is the code: weight = int(input()) height = float(input()) imc = weight/(height**2) if imc < 18.5: print ('Underweight') if imc >= 30: print ('Obesity') elif imc >= 18.5 and imc <= 25: print ('Normal') elif imc > 25 and imc < 30: print ('Overweight') Saludos! Best regards!
24th May 2021, 12:50 PM
Ray Jesus Acevedo Hernandez