what is static variable? why we use it?
5 Answers
but sometimes we will declare some variables as static right.what is the difference between static variable and normal variables
Basic difference is
static members are one per class but non-static members are one per instance.
static members are accessed by their class name which encapsulates them, but non-static members are accessed by object reference.
static members can't use non-static methods without instantiating an objet, but non-static members can use static members directly.
static constructor is used to initialize static fields, but for non-static fields normal instance constructor is used
OK thanks
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Hi static variable are used in static class only. So advantage of this is if u use static class or static method u can't not access it with object. You need to call it direct so thought out the program that variable get one value example if I have non static class fruit and non static method apple so I can create object of fruit as fruit nitin =new nitin(); then will use method apple by nitin.apple() also I can create one more object like fruit sharma =new sharma() ; and use apple sharma.apple() so now that will have two different objects and values but if my class is static I have to use like fruit.apple().