+ 5
Beer and cookies for explanation... 😇
Hello fellow sololearners! ☺ I was wandering if someone is willing to explain to me the logic behind this code that I got in a challenge. The best explanation gets free cookies and a beer from me 😉 Thank you in advance. int[] pixels = new int[10000]; for (int y = 0; y < 100; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < 100; x++) { index = x + y * 100; pixels[index] = x + y; } } System.out.print(pixels[150]); Correct answer by Sololearn is 51.
4 Answers
+ 3
The only way to get pixels[150] is when y=1 and x=50. So y*100=100 + x=50 you get the array index of 150 and you store there x+y=50+1=51..
I hope it is clear
+ 2
sure, beer's on me! here - 🍺
pm me when you come to Belgrade, I'll buy you a beer ;)
let me try to understand: the array location of 150 holds the value of 51, correct?
right, now i feel stupid 😄
I just saw it liks this:
150 = x + y*100
pixels = x + y
in our language this is called system of equations with two variables. real easy. hidden in code. damn it. :) thanks for the effort.
+ 2
didn't look that easy during a challenge... 😠
+ 1
do I get the beer?