Java beginner projects
Hi, this may be a longshot, but i'll try! I started progamming 3 weeks ago, and started with Java. Now i'm at the point where i know the basics, and feel like I gotta try them out. But since i'm really not very creative, i can't make a project myself, and i'm quite sure i ain't really good enough yet. So my question is, if anybody know a place, where you can do java beginner projects, and kinda follow it step by step, so that you can try the step yourself first, and if it fails, or to check if correct, you can then see the proper solution after. The project could be anything, idc which kind of program i'm making, and also idc if its a book, website or video, but prefer something free, could pay if it's very good. I hope you get what i mean, since it's a bit hard to explain, but basically a good place for beginners who knows the basics and want to try do some code, with a little help.