+ 5
What is this codecamp?
3 Answers
+ 6
Here's the link: https://www.google.com.hk/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.freecodecamp.org/&ved=0ahUKEwjqxL6HhajYAhXJRo8KHRTsCPAQFggnMAA&usg=AOvVaw2O9Sbs3zh9NHmRpWZrEZt-
Register and you are all set to go, but don't leave us on Sololearn °=°
+ 5
Freecodecamp  is a nonprofit organization that consists of an interactive learning web platform, an online community forum, chat rooms, Medium publications, and local organizations that intend to make learning web development easy.
+ 4
how can we join into it